Sunday, September 1, 2013

"We could push our beds together"

We did it. We pushed our beds together! it was an interesting story actually.
 we heard some sketchy sounds in the bushes outside of our room. And it was legitimately a person. We called the military guard at the front gate and he came and checked it out for us. But being girls we freaked ourselves out more. and told scary stories and couldn't sleep alone. so we pushed two bunk beds together. and all 5 of us slept on two twin beds. it was a... cozy night. but so fun. I love my room mates.

The room isn't very big. so after we all freaked out we fell asleep with the lights on. and woke up to this mess. 

We also barricaded the door... there really was a person out there. I'm so glad we have military guards to keep us safe. Even though we have 3 different locks on our doors. we still decided to barricade it. 

It made for a fun story though! Am I right??
Friday night, me and Jess; my head teacher. Went in the kids' dorm room and pushed the beds together in front of the TV. and watched "Crazy Stupid Love" and then had a sleepover! it was so much fun. and just what i needed. The kids only board during the week. So weekends we use it as a party room. I love living at the school.

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