Sunday, September 1, 2013

They've got my Heart melting away

 This Lesson that I did was a fishing game. Got a blanket, made a fishing pole out of a pencil, string, and a clothes pin. and Let them "throw it in the ocean" and catch a prize! this was my favorite game when I was little. I made a special "fisherman's mask" the kid going fishing got to wear. it was suppose to look like a fish. with all the scales. They LOVED it! and had SOOO much fun! I love these kids with all of my heart.
D-Day. He is the WORST. but secretly my very favorite

Ghod. He is such a cutie. and I can ALWAYS expect a hug from him. He is such a lover. I love him

My class of CRAZIES

Prima. hes a very quiet, very sly trouble maker

This is a typical view that i have. getting them to pay attention all at once... Impossible.

They are clearly 3 years old.. literally

Basia. She is in love with her teachers. she always hugs me whenever she sees me! and always wants to be by Teacher Kate's side. she will fight all of the other kids for the chair by me. and will sit and kiss my arms and blow me kisses. 

Yipso. she is obsessed with PINK! anything Pink. she is such a little girl. she doesn't have any in on this day. but she always has pink bows in her pig tails.

This is Tiger. he always will run up and jump on me. DETERMINE to give me the biggest hug. and kiss my cheek. i love him. he is one of the kids that boards at the school. so i babysit him at nights. and he loves playing with me. he definitely is one of my favorites

This is Nest. on the first day of school, when he was trying to tell me his name. he was speaking really quiet. and i thought he said "nose" all the kids busted up! so now we call each other "Nose" he calls me "Teacher Nose"

This is Nui. he is brand new. his first day of school here was the first day we started teaching here. he didn't speak any English. and from what we have gathered from his home life. he is spoiled like crazy. He hates listening to rules. and staying still during class. and always hits us. and beats up all the kids. we always just send him to the Thai teachers. so they can discipline him. because we can't communicate. he's a little stinker.

Pizza, Yipso, and Basia.

Nui, Name, Tiger, Nest. heart MELTING smiles! i love them so much!! 

KHAOW-TONG pronounced (Cow-Tongue) yep. thats a real name. He loves giving me loves. he stays by my side as much as he can. I LOVE THESE KIDS!! can you tell?? 

Seriously... Those pig tails?!! why are they so cute??

Nest and Tiger. Nest loves his teachers. his family can speak English. so his English is really good. and he always talks about us to his parents.

Name, Nest, me, Tiger, Khaow-Tong

My heart is Exploding looking at these again!

This is Chester. he is SO CUTE!! oh my heck. they way he talks. he doesnt' have any teeth on the top row. so he has a lisp really bad. and a really high pitched voice. in addition to his accent. gosh. i love getting him to talk

Sun. he is a little quiet. but has the biggest smile.

This is Ching-Ching. the littlest, girl i have ever seen. she is so petite and such a cutie

Mhew-Mhew. she always has to sit by me. and touching me when we walk from class to class. she is so cute. Nam Nan is photo-bombing hard core

We went fishing!!! Nam Nan and Sun

Ching-Ching, Sun, and Nam Nan

Kaow-Phot pronounced (Cow-pho) and Mhew-Mhew

Mho-Pee, and Chester

Mhew-Mhew is such a lover. she literally always has to be on my lap or by my side. 

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